Thursday, September 30, 2010

Get a grip and start typing!!

Gee talk about slacking on the blogging front... shew!! but i am now back on the (word) horse... i have been kept very busy with Aidan and other things life has been throwing my way, like aidan getting sick with a non bacterial virus which we had to just wait for it to leave his system as antibiotics would have been pointless...
We Have also made Aidan a sand pit (or at least half of it ..) we still need to build the lid for it, so the the complex cats don't think it's a gigantic litter box... and goodness me, Aidan really does love it, it's the first place he makes his way to when mom opens the gate for outside time... 

anyway Kyla and Aidan also had their first sleep over, cos the mommies and daddies had a late evening of poker and joooce....(juice) they thought it was the greatest thing ever, they went to sleep(with much moaning because they were worried the other was allowed to stay up and play, and then woke up to realise their play mate was still there, oh and the fact that instead of porridge they were treated to a chocolate muffin and bacon and egg...

The Durban Mommalicious Mamma's get together is also coming up fast(this Saturday to be exact) and i have been like a kid at Christmas, i have been soooooo excited- now for those of you who know me, know that when i get excited i bounce...yes that's right i bounce, and sometimes let out a little squeal ... so you must know!! anyway there has been some organising and squeals and bouncing all along the road to the get together...

well October is coming up and that means Halloween, now normally we would not do anything for Halloween as we are not Americans, however all the kids in the complex go from house to house, so we thought we couldn't let Aidan miss out on that excitement so we went out and bought him a Spiderman outfit.... and he looks tooo darn cute in it

We have also had Aunty Robyn spending some holiday time with us and has been quiet fun... we have been playing outside by the sandpit, and challenging each other to Wii Fit Plus( Aidan uses the scale as his balance board.) and to Zumba too, wow it has been some hectic challenging but we laughed and wiggled through it... we can safely say that we definitely feel that there are muscles under all this cuddle wrap....

anyway until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! :D
    Something we also have to get our LO - a sand pit! Luckily they have sand at the day care.
