Thursday, August 12, 2010

My heart bleeds...

My heart bleeds at the thought of how my teeny tiny boogie has turned into a real little boy, alright he is only seventeen months old and yes he still sounds young but he has really transformed from the little pot plant i sat holding while in hospital.

He is now running and jumping and screaming and throwing tempers, however he isn't crying when hurt anymore, now i know that sounds horrible for a mother to want her child to cry but hey don't you feel like you are needed to come to the rescue when the have their first roastie? i know i did, however when he took that hard tumble he looked at his knee then at the floor then back at his knee, he then proceeded to pat the floor "better" once he had made sure the floor was ok we went off to the bathroom and i wiped his first bloody sore clean for him, he looked at me, took the cotton wool away and then went on to wipe it himself... such a big boy(by the way even with the blood there was not a tear) once he had decided that the "ouch" was sufficiently clean he kissed it better, motioned to get down off the counter and ran off again.
Its not only when he gets hurt and reacts like a big boy and forgets to come to mom for cuddles, but i have also found that shopping for him saddens me too, it's not like i find his clothes in the "baby" section any more its in the young boys department and his shoes... well the difference between my shoe and his shoe... (lets leave the picture to speak for itself)

Yes we have to shop in the boys department for those too, Gone are the days when his feet were smaller and when he was wearing newborn clothes...
Oh and for the record, i am NOT i repeat NOT broody, my hands are way to full with this big boy oh yes and the whole pregnancy thing is still fresh in my mind!

Oh well to big boys and little girls, and little boys and big girls!
So long as he keeps bringing so much joy too my life i am happy... Continue to grow so nicely my angel, BUT just know i will stalk you if i have to and i will call you my baby till the day i die!

Mommy loves you with everything she has.