Friday, July 9, 2010

Wow why did no one tell me?

Well as you all know by now, I have stopped breast feeding and am now waiting (not so patiently) for my milk to dry up.

Now while I have been "weaning" I did a little research as to what would help it go quicker, and all the baby and breast feeding website suggests crushed, cooled cabbage leaves stuffed into your bra,so I try it, walking around smelling really gross as the cabbage warms and lets off it's wonderful smelly vapours, it seems to soothe the engorgement I admit, but about three or so days of cabbage bra I am feeling very tired and drained(not the kind of drained I was hoping for) also my breast were getting all splotchy and red as if a rash were developing, so I hope onto Google and state my issue, you would never believe it but it states that if you are allergic to sulphurs you should NOT do the cabbage thing...

Wow why did no one tell me this? all this tiredness and slight bouts of nausea were because my system was slowly being poisoned and I didn't even know, thing is you actually have do a search for sulphur allergy and cabbage otherwise you wont find the information very easily...

Just as some are told to drink coca cola and coffee to help increase breastmilk when in actual fact it is really decreasing it, gee talk about misinformation in the information age....

Well needless to say I have stopped with the cabbage and have tried Sudafed decongestants, and although it may take a wee bit longer for the milk to go it certainly isn't making me tired or nauseous and on top of it all its helping my morning blocked nose issues too talk about win win...

A few web pages that help:

Cabbage and sulphur allergy:

Coca cola and breast milk

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