Oh my word has it been ages since I last blogged or what?
you would think that with all the "down time" I've had there would be plenty of news... well sorry to disappoint you we don't have much going on...
Just a few items that have happened in the Bevan household: I had my first Easter where I could actually EAT the chocolate and not just look at it!
I went to my 1st birthday party on the 24Th of April (by my 1st party I mean non family related one)
Anyway Thomas(aka Tom Tom) turned 2 and his party was held at Duck and Deck in Hillcrest, on a pretty nippy cold day if I do say so myself, it all started with daddy forgetting about the time and mommy and I waking up at 9.15am(party was at 10am)that meant that we only had 15min to get ready and go... but amazingly enough it was managed and with time to spare!
Then just as we are pulling into Duck and Deck's driveway what happens?? well I decided that now would be a good time to vomit... all over everything, luckily I missed Tom Tom's pressie! Time for outfit change, then off we go for some farmyard party FUN! Well the party was loads of fun and once again I didn't move from the eats table, just like at My own party(apparently the vomiting was just to make sure I had enough space for all the other treats...)
We went to Duck and deck again with the usual suspects(Aunty Candice, Uncle Ryan, Kyla-Lee, Aunty Gerry, Uncle Kevin and Tyrone) and I had a few pony rides... man do I looove them ponies....
We also took a trip to Suncoast Beach with Aunty Candice, Uncle Ryan, Kyla-Lee, Aunty Gerry, Uncle Kevin and Tyrone, wow we had such fun playing in the sand and the water.(The mommies took about a week to get ALL the sand out of our respective nappy bags)
Mom also entered me into a competition on image perfect and all my pictures placed, we came first as World face of the month, for Top Family, second for Top Mother and Child and Third for Top Father and Child- I'm so cool!
Ooooh and mommy has ordered me 2 pairs of Huggalugs, one pair is Rainbow stripes( I'm going to be wearing these to aunty Shea's hippy party, and the other pair is black with white stars- just to bring out my emo side, I really do like bruises!!
Oh talking about bruises, I managed to give mommy a real good one the other day, without even touching her, all I had to do was leave the Tupperware dish I was playing with just by the pantry step and BAZINGA! she went flying through the air like a firework on Guy Fawkes... it was HILARIOUS! oh and she landed on my dinner bowl and got a nice round bruise on her thigh... (tell the Americans... the aliens have landed, and left crop circles on mom's leg!!)
Oh and we have got a new lounge suite and rug and side table and lamp... and... ha ha and nothing more...
I really love our new rug in the lounge its so soft, so now I can jump and play and not have to worry mommy too much about chipping more teeth, I also loooove rolling around on it, I pretend I'm a doggy just like Aimee!
Ooh more news, I almost forgot, I took about four steps the other day, while daddy and uncle Ryan were busy sorting out network cables for daddy's new toy(the Mede8er- media centre box)I was busy walking between mommy and aunty Candice, Kyla-Lee was sitting near by giggling at us...although I took four steps over the weekend I cant say that the whole walking thing has grown on me just yet as I haven't even bothered trying again...
The other day I also tried my hand at some finger painting for the first time, what fun!
Oh wow so more happened to us this month than I thought!